عبّود والزعتري سيبقون يداً واحدة ولا انتخابات في المنظمة. ا لمنظمة ستبقى كما هي , جامعة شابيّن ساعيين وراء هدفٍ مشترك و هو ارجاع كرة القدم اللبنانية الى ماضيها المشرق و زمنها المعهود
انها الرياضة اللبنانية التي انكشفت على حقيقتها، انما هي لعبة كرة السلة التي لم تسطع أن تبقى في منأى عن التجاذبات السياسية. ليلة أمس شهدت عدة إستقالات في إتحاد كرة السلة مما أدى ذلك إلى سقوطٍ مدوٍ لإتحاد اللعبة عشية مشاركة منتخبنا الوطني في بطولة العالم. وقد جاء الحديث عن هذه الإستقالات وسقوط الاتحاد على اثر الاشكال الذي حصل مع فريق الشانفيل. فهنا أتساءل، هل للفرق الكلمة في الإنتخابات الاتحادية؟ أهناك ضغوطات سياسية على الفرق في الانتخابات السلوية؟ أهناك تدخل مباشر للأحزاب السياسية في هذه اللعبة الجماعية؟
What would you do if you woke up half sleepy and on your way to the work someone made a driving mistake in front of you and was so close to hitting you? What would you do if early in the morning someone had sworn you? What would you do if you returned tired from work and someone bothered you? Every day in the morning, at noon, or at night, many things would get on our nerves and make us angry. How do we react when such things happen?
Many have denied it. Many have kept it. But there are many who are seeking it. It is the Lebanese nationality that has a great history. It is the nationality of many great people around the globe.
Ghassan Sarkiss is a Lebanese basketball coach who was known for building a very strong green castle that won the Lebanese basketball league and cup for years. In addition to that, he led them to achieve Arabic and Asian titles until they reached the world league in Italy. He was also known in leading teams such as Sporting and Champville and getting successful results with them. In addition to that, he was named to lead the Lebanese National teams for many times.
She had asked this question for the last nineteen years searching for her son Johnny, one of the Lebanese detainees in the Syrian prisons. After the first few days of his disappearance in 1990, violet searched everywhere for her son. She searched in hospitals, forests, and all the other places your mind can imagine.